Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The Truth About R5

Did you know? - R5 was a band started in Ecuador in 1973 by a person named Miguel Estalavesta and his 8 brothers, 6 sisters and 1 chicken. They were a major hit back then with big selling singles such as ''Cry your nights away'' and ''Affection'', and have a very famous slogan that defines the band, ''Groove and move to the tune''. They got so popular that they abandoned their band and moved to life aboard a yacht in a pristine , blue ocean as they giggle away with a glass of bubbly in their hands. The chicken has now turned into a household dog.

The family of brothers and sisters continue to live together with their own families together in mansions all around Ibiza and Miguel found himself a wife and have 99 children and 238 grandchildren. Their lives are beautiful and the band remains popular to this day.


The R5 of this generation are PHONIES AND FAKES; FRAUDS EVEN! Do not support their band in anyway; avoid purchasing their merchandise, listening and buying their albums or songs, following them on all of their social media, and buying tickets to their concerts!... THEY ARE NOT ORIGINAL! Spread the word to families and friends!!! Let them know the truth! #StopR52015

Extracted from a newspaper article from 1973

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